We’re so grateful you’d consider donating to our ministry. We really hope this means you’ve enjoyed Patriarch. Please do tell others about it by sharing it with your friends on Facebook or however you’re connected. We pray the story of Abraham will come alive for them too so they will be inspired to let God take them further along their own exciting journey of faith.
However there is another journey Melissa and I would like you to join us on, if you want! We are hugely privileged to serve Converge, which is the global youth movement attached to the World Evangelical Alliance. This takes us from our little Highland croft on the Scottish coast all over the globe, supporting and serving heroes of faith who are sacrificially giving their lives to reach and disciple young people.
We’d love you to walk this road with us as we seek to serve and love these amazing people. From Mongolia to Lesotho via Kyrgyzstan and Lebanon, we will celebrate together what God is doing through grassroots saints the world never hears of, but heaven parties over.
It doesn’t need to be a big amount. Our experience is the Lord who fed 5000 with a little boy’s pack lunch stretches every gift, however small, in extraordinary ways! It can be just a one off or a small regular gift, whatever suits you. A “one off” gift is probably best through the PayPal button, and regular small gifts through the Patron button. We’ve set the buttons up to receive in British pounds but don’t worry, they will draw from your account in your currency (Just remember £1 is about US$1.25).
Oh and we won’t pester you for more, beyond an acknowledgment if you want it. We’ll let you follow what’s going on for yourself on the Latest News or Facebook pages. We can’t tell you just how it means to us that you want to share in this journey with us.
Thanks again,
Colin and Melissa